Yale G25UX 2.50T Forklifts

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Yale G25UX 2.50T Forklifts : $26,000 AUD ($28,600 Inc. GST)
New Yale 2.50T Forklifts from $26,000 plus GST
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Material Handling Specialists Since 1983
Griffith - Wagga - Bathurst - Shepparton
Material Handling Specialists
Riverina Lift Trucks (RLT) has for over 41 years sold, rented, serviced and managed materials handling equipment all across Australia. Providing full-scale and industry leading aftermarket solutions which encompass predelivery inspections, user and safety training courses and 24/7 service, repairs and spare parts support.
Experienced and Capable
With thousands of new and used units sold over more than 3 decades, and a rental fleet of over 450 units, RLT brings a wealth of experience and resources to any materials handling scenario.
RLT is one of the world’s longest-serving Independent Hyster-Yale authorised network dealers. Apart from leveraging globally off Hyster-Yale - RLT are also authorised Manitou, Hako and JLG dealers.
A diverse array of new and used equipment that can support all of your material handling needs.